Friday, August 8, 2008

hey mama...

I wonder if Ollie know who Julie Chen is? Last night on the live show - he greeted Julie with "Hey Mama." I think he has no idea that she is married to the head of CBS. I mean is he trying to be cool?
I don't think this is the first time he has addressed her in an off-color manner. It seems like he did the same thing on another eviction show. I mean Julie corrected Dan when he called her Mrs. Chen. Maybe someone will let Ollie know - that Julie Chen is not his mama?

longest happy dance EVER...

Michelle must think she is the dancing queen - She didn't stop dancing last night after the live feeds came back on and she had won HOH. She also did a lot of camera talking to Jesse - I guess she thinks that he turned on the live feeds immediately after he left the house. It was all quite humorous.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

cleaning day

All the HG's are cleaning the BB house for the live show tonight.

Michelle and Jessie are going over random trivia - practice for maybe the HOH competition. But I am not really sure why Jessie is wearing that hood again.

late late night part 2...

The wake up calls started last night and as you can see the HG's were not amused.

Late late Night...

In case you missed The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson, Julie Chen and the houseguest made an appearance.

Before the Houseguest were on the air - Craig read a letter from a viewer that want him to ask April and Ollie how they felt about doing the deed for the internet and Showtime Afterdark. Julie warned Craig that if he asked them, there was a good chance they would stop doing it. He quickly changed his mind about that question.

Julie also told Craig that some of the Houseguest thought that Big Brother had staged the earthquake. Craig asked by a show of hands which houseguest thought it was staged - most of them.

Craig questioned Jessie about why he was on the block - while Jessie laid back in his chair like a child and says, "You are bringing too much attention to me." Wow - I didn't know Jesse knew those words existed. And Jessie - when you are on a late night national tv show - please sit up in your chair like a grown up!

Julie also wished Libra a Happy Birthday and explained to Craig that she had one black and one white twin. Which Criag replies is an excellent idea for a sitcom.

At of course - Michelle had on the red unitard. She stood up to show it off and after she sat down and chatted with Craig for a moment she asked if he saw all around - which we all know was an excuse to have all the attention on her butt! I mean her and Jesse were comparing derieres last night. Give us a break Michelle.

If you missed it - Silly Hamsters has the segment posted. Check it out.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

axel rose?

I really wonder what is up with Michelle and all the bandana headbands or the "mandanas?" I mean for real - does she really think she looks good. Maybe she thinks it is cool - or could it be a desire to look something like Axel Rose? What else could she be thinking?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Big Brother is watching...

April, Libra, and Keesha discuss that big brother can see them do everything including when they go to the bathroom and other private things. April isn't worried because they won't show that stuff on the show.
I wonder what she would say if she saw all the videos of her and Ollie on the internet?

blue skies...

Seems that a big brother cameraman is spending some times gazing it the blue skies...

BB fashion du jour...

Jerry's marine outfit...

April thinks Renny looks like a gypsy...

Michelle has the red unitard twisted around her...

Memphis is color coordinated...

Keesha sports a blue ball cap...

hug it out...

Mission Accomplished...


I have been away for two weeks.. I know how could I possible do that mid Big Brother? It was unavoidable... But I am back.. Sorry guys.